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====MORE the worlds first mobile phone group = = = =
MORE ( is the JOYISTAR.INC instant messaging tool launched a group oriented discussion, to meet the group topic friends (post / subject) AC. Help us to understand the same interest in the strangers, interest relationships based on social software.
[introduction] function
[dynamic] can receive and view all your attention on the topic at any time within the group, an important topic of conversation whenever and wherever possible visible whenever and wherever possible, may participate in the.
[buildings] can create your own interest group, invite friends to discuss and exchange, no restrictions on the number of groups, and its all free.
[the group] you can also join the interest group, the publication of the text message, your dynamic expression, pictures, video, share with you.
Instant chat [group chat] you can and the group of friends from time to time, everybody together communicative common interest in the people and things, together to discuss the joy.
[square] there are all kinds of interest groups, we talked about on both sides of the Changjiang River, there is always a group for your taste, come on!
[friends] dont forget the group Friends of you often contact with MORE friends, so usually pay more attention to, nothing happens often contact.
[invited] can invite friends via SMS join the current group of good stuff, dont forget to share with friends oh,
[lost] levels within the group discussion topics, the topic published are permanent preservation, organized, no loss, no matter how long can classification view.
[can] whenever and wherever possible to view can consult the topic, in the topic, an important message instant push, a little can participate in the topic, simple and convenient.
[the most suitable group] is especially suitable for groups of interest exchange, exchange work use, can also meet the need of internal communication s show.
[multi platform support] group also support Webpage version, PC client, mobile phone version of APP you like, a multi platform release, synchronous update, no need to repeat the operation.
[multi template display] Webpage group multiple template display, can also customize the template, suitable for all walks of life, all kinds of people.
[much] Webpage plug-in support group integrated multi group plug-in, powerful, can be customized to switch, to create personalized group.
More features and characteristics, waiting for you to discover and experience.
Official website: